Timberline PK8’s Weekly Digital Newsletter

September 16, 2024


Principal’s Den

Dear Wolfpack Families,

Please join us for our first Cafecito of the year this Friday, September 20th! We will begin at 8:30am in the Community Room, and everyone is welcome to attend to learn more about the Timberline school community.

Also, we are featuring all of the amazing things happening in our classrooms on social media. You can find us at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimberlinePK8/ (TimberlinePK8)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimberlinePK8 (@TimberlinePK8)

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timberlinesvvsd/ (timberlinesvvsd)

Our website: https://tpk8.svvsd.org/

As always, our administrative team and office team are here to support you and your children. Please reach out with any questions you might have. Thank you for your partnership and for your continued support of the Timberline Wolfpack! #powerofthepack

Best wishes,

Audrey Seybold, Principal

Leader of the Pack

Family Calendar of Events



Hello, parents of Timberline PK8

Join us for our first CAFECITO 

Friday, September 20th at 8:30 am

Enjoy a cup of coffee and a review about our School Unified Improvement Plan 

Come and win prizes.

 We are looking forward to seeing you!

Grade Level Newsletters

Each month, teachers will create a grade level newsletter with important information for the month. Teachers will send these directly to families, but we will also link the newsletters in the Howl for you.

Pre-K – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WlJm6omSnyKglcq6eu4wYvVcBne1lG1x/view?usp=sharing

Kindergarten – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JIuRmWIxGPmaPFd3c7ulB9ihMg1kyDsY/view?usp=sharing

1st Grade – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tu92FI08rfjmz4TE9zbiY59inP_7Mkm-g2123dDX34U/edit?usp=sharing

2nd Grade – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uAh2HM6pLLhAe5aTsNhLqVcMFkikYgGEP6mRzHXWGAc/edit?usp=sharing

3rd Grade – https://www.canva.com/design/DAGNHFJX-GU/5Ae51TFglltRcxdxrdJ32g/edit?utm_content=DAGNHFJX-GU&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

4th Grade – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sNQ_GYPYEZ_cXMn_Ezbo1b06JAB0U2Ih/view?usp=sharing

5th Grade – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LUugIs0iMwuwtgrKd0M15fn5psYJK9amV9geTuLIYfQ/edit?usp=sharing

6th Grade – https://www.canva.com/design/DAFs3H0Mmlg/fYSDuvEEjamAMUuGYh_Uig/edit?utm_content=DAFs3H0Mmlg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

7th Grade – https://docs.google.com/document/d/18UqUiwwfLbh2fcQ8q7PXbFQLzOtjH3Djx2aGYgYPwJM/edit?usp=sharing

8th Grade – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W7wUuu5Pttkn3QDMNIx0_UVnoM65u36R/view?usp=sharing

September is Attendance Awareness Month

Did you know that missing just 2 days a month or 10% of school can make it harder for students to:

• Gain early reading and math skills
• Build relationships
• Develop good attendance habits

The routines your child develops early will continue throughout their school years. Attending school on time, every day on a regular basis helps students feel better about school and themselves.  Start building this habit early so they learn right away that going to school every day is important! 

Reporting Student AbsencesPlease notify the school office in the morning if your child will be absent. The school needs to know that your child is with you and safe. If we are unable to contact you, we must consider the absence unexcused. You can report an absence to our office by phone at 303-772-7900 or by email to [email protected]

Classroom Conferences – Save the dates – Tuesday, 10/1 and Thursday, 10/3

This fall, we will be using a Classroom Conference model. Classroom Conferences are a research and evidence based system that emerged from a grassroots effort to connect families and teachers to drive student learning. Classroom Conferences build classroom communities, increase parents’ capacity to support their students’ education, and improve students’ academic achievement.

Spirit Wear Store

This year, Timberline will have a Spirit Wear store, and it is open to anyone that would like to support Timberline! The store will be open Monday, September 30th until Thursday, October 10th. Orders must be placed online, and links for ordering are coming!

Timberline PK-8 Wolf Chase – Save the date – Wednesday, 10/2
We are excited to bring back the Wolf Chase Fun Run and fundraiser this year! 

Who? Your child will be able to participate in the Wolf Chase Fun Run with their class. 

When? Wednesday, October 2nd (schedule to come).

Where? The track at Centennial Clark Field directly behind the school.

Why? This is our annual Fundraiser. 

How? Students can ask friends, family members and neighbors for donations. (Envelopes will be delivered this week!)

What will be done with the money? Money raised will go to classroom supplies, field trips, recess equipment and more.

Fundraising Opportunity
Crackpots gives 10% back to schools in September! https://www.ecrackpots.com/backtoschool

Upcoming Event

  • Volleyball Game 9/16 : Timberline vs Twin Peaks
  • Cafecito 9/20
  • Volleyball Game 9/23 : Timberline @ Aspen Ridge

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Timberline PK-8